Mike Rowe + Cyberoptix. A Highlight from the Mackinac Policy Conference. May 30, 2015 14:53
Few and far between are the chances you get to run into one of your Maker Movement heroes. This Thursday, while we were talking ties with Paul Smith for WJR 760 News' Opportunity Detroit segment, guess who also had a live interview slot right next to us -- none other than Mike Rowe! Bethany was wearing the iconic Mackinac Bridge tie, but decided it looked better on him.
Admitted fanboys and girls of his Dirty Jobs Series and Somebody's Gotta Do It, we also especially admire the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, his foundation that awards scholarships to those wishing to pursue a trade.
It was such an honor to have a chat with him about Detroit, the importance of not stigmatizing trades, and to have a bit of a fanboy/girl moment. Heartfelt thanks to our mutual filmmaker and photographer friend Troy Paff for the intro, who visited the Tie Lab's studios way back in 2010 for his Journeyman Project series - The tradesmen of 21st century America.